"I have failed thrice than I won especially since I turned 16." This actually appears to be a rather low failure ratio, Tha. I believe we fail more than we win, just that the magnitude of our wins end up offsetting the frequency of losses.

Doing anything new just comes with a lot of unknowns. I believe I've failed many times, at least as far as not achieving set objectives is concerned. I, like you, appreciate these failures for the lessons they gave me.

I have a strategy when it comes to failure: I identify a depth below which I wouldn't want to sink, after which all other outcomes are acceptable. I then just do the stuff I want and see where things go. Sometimes I win, many times I don't. But one thing is certain: in this game of refinement, I get to know what works and what doesn't, thus with time, I will gamble less and less.

Let's fail early, Tha; let's fail fast. If we live long enough, all this will be irrelevant in the overall scheme of things, but it'll have been helpful in knowing what not to do, and thus in essence what to zero in on.

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Feb 19Author

Wow, Patrick. Your words are true and Thank you for these strategies.

Let's fail early. Let us fail fast.

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Welcome, Tha, and thanks too.

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"Let's fail early, let's fail fast" is a powerful Statement. Thank you for that. I'll use it to comfort others and myself - if you don't mind.

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Feb 24Author

You should because it is for us Patrick says.

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That's good!

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Welcome, Luciana. Yes of course, you can always use it. We need to encourage each other with these things.

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Love this inspiring story, Tha! Thank you for sharing your wisdom.❤️

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Feb 19Author

Thank you Mary. So nice of you.

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So true! Great reminders. ❤️

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